கொட்டுகச்சிய பண்ணை

ஆடு வளர்ப்பு


  • Province :North Western Province
  • District :Puttalam District
  • Distance to Colombo : 126 km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

Kottukachchiya Farm

Kottukachchiya farm was established in 1963 and is situated 6km from Anamaduwa town on (Kurunegala-Puttalam) main road. The farm has a total extend of 344ha. This farm is the home of the Kottukachchiya breed of goats. At one stage the whole farm was infested with ecto and endo parasites and as measure to control this infestation the goat project was terminated at Kottukachchiya.

To utilize the resources available at Kottukachchiya farm after the termination of the goat project a selected herd of Khillari cattle were transferred to Kottukachchiya farm. This herd was transferred for better management and to reduce the Welikanda farm Khillari herd to manageable level. Subsequently the Khillari herd was transfered back to Welikanda. Presently Salvage cattle and buffaloes are maintained. This farm will be developed as a goat farm by 2012.

Soil and Climate

Climate is arid in nature and the mean temperature is 30ºC-40ºC Humidity is around 91% and the area receives a rainfall of 860mm.